This is a link to the Wikispace for the study group on the topic “Online Learning Collaborations” , which was part of the eduMOOC 2011 focused on “Online Learning Today…and Tomorrow” coordinated by Ray Schroeder from The Center for Online Learning, Research and Service at the University of Illinois Springfield.
My interest was on the topic “Collaboration with Online Tools”:
Collaborations are facilitated by a variety of on-line tools. The term ‘Social Tools’ can be defined as “An application that can be accessed via the web or other Internet technology, that can have more than one user present in the same environment (preferably at the same time, but not limited to that). Where the users can create and exchange artefacts with each other and ideally collaborate in the creation and exchanging of theses artefacts” (Stephen Downes in the Webinar “Facilitating Social Interactions”)
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