I have started to evaluate the skills I have acquired in Social Media and will create a tick-box list. Educators who want support can contact me and if you want to share your knowledge of skills that I’m still in progress with I will be more than happy to get in touch!
- Used a specially designed portal with search engines (Ex. Resources linked to course literature or developed by university department)
- Joined news channels with specific information (Ex. RSS feeds, Atom, Google Reader)
Subscribe to RSS and blog feeds in Google Reader
- Helped other users by rating or evaluating the resources you found on the Internet (Ex. Diigo, Amazon)
- Used online multimedia resources as additional material (Ex. SlideShare, I-Tunes, YouTube, Flickr)
- Developed shared bookmarks together with teachers or students (Ex. Del.icio.us, Furl, Citeulike …)
- Used micro-blog to post updates and insights (Ex. Twitter)
- Used a blog or interactive website in your teaching or course development (Ex. WordPress, Blogger, Facebook, MySpace)
- Used collaborative writing with teachers or students (Ex. Google docs, Wikispaces, PBworks, Zoho docs)
- Attended to webinar or video chat (Ex. Illuminate, Skype)
- Uploaded presentations from your own teaching (Ex. PowerPoint, SlideShare)
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