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A ‘Massive Open Online Course’ (MOOC) is an educational tool to apply the theory of connectivism and an open pedagogy based on networked learning.  MOOCs are founded on principle characteristics of autonomy, diversity, openness and interaction.

There has emerged a variant in open learning that is called ‘Collaborative Open Online Learning‘ (COOL).  This can be illustrated with “Education, Curriculum, and Instruction (EC&I) 831: Open, Connected, Social”, where participants engage in the development of a personal blog/digital portfolio and the collaborative development of an educational technology wiki resource.  Before the end each member complete of a student-chosen, major digital project.


Our idea of ‘Teachers Open Online Learning’ (TOOL) embrace the idea that a Community of Practitioners meet to share experiences and insights via advanced technologies.  This creates new ways to share and remix resources, collaborate with other educators, and help our learners connect with each other.

5 Responses to “Teachers Open Online Learning (TOOL)”


  1.  Getting to know you: Introducing Jonas Bäckelin | One Change a Day
  2.  Welcome!

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