Our first online course “Teachers Open Online Learning for Professional Development” [#TOOL12] investigated what new skills and capacities teachers need to develop in ‘Networked Literacy & Fluency’. We then shared some thoughts on some criteria for badges/certification as a ‘Networked Teacher’. This was a peer to peer course at P2PU and resulted in our community badges as well as our mission statement.
In 2012 we completed our second online course “The Use of Web Tools in Networked Learning” [ #CNT12] (16/4-4/5, 2012) and we used tutorials on WikiEducator. The aim was to support the participants to complete the challenge “Certified Networked Teacher” and receive a skill badge that can be use within the Mozilla open badges framework.
Next module will be “Syndicated Education in Distributed Learning Environments” [#ANT12] and I the future we will develop the expert skills with “Central Node in Networked Learning” [#ENT12].
Web Designing Chennai
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