This is some information about our preparation for the badge ‘Certified Networked Teacher’ at P2PU:
Url of the challenge associated with this badge
Badge Name: Certified Networked Teacher
Badge Short Description: The use of web tools in networked learning has become an important 21st century skills for teachers. This challenge will give you the ability to envision a new future based on web tools in a networked learning scenario.
Badge Requirements:
You will engage with instructional tools for creating, delivering and managing your learning resources in an innovative way. The first task is finished when you have posted a link to your learning resource in the CNT challenge and at least one peer participant has posted a comment with approval. The requirements is that the learning resource specifies the target audience and has the function to model, demonstrate, help us practice or help us reflect. The final task will be to create a Screencast Tutorial that demonstrate your skills as a Networked Teacher. After this badge you will be ready to take on syndicated education in distributed learning environments as an ‘Advanced Networked Teacher’. On expert level you will be a central node in networked learning and change how we understand education in the future. The experience from this course will turn into a multi-levelled badges program awarded from peer to peer evaluation (i.e Certified Networked Teacher, Advanced Networked Teacher and Expert Networked Teacher).
Badge Logic: Skill Badge that requires submissions:
Submit a link to your learning resource that specifies the target audience and has the function to model, demonstrate, help us practice or help us reflect
Create a Screencast Tutorial that demonstrate creating, delivering and managing your learning resource.
minimum 2 number of votes to be awarded from peers
minimum 3 average rating from peers (accouring to rubric below)
The submission will be assosiated to the final task to create a Screen Cast (
Rubrics: A few sentences starting with ‘How well was this peer able to: ‘ that reviewers will use to evaluate the submissions:
How well was this peer able to reuse existing learning resources to create his/her own?
How well was this peer able to adapt his/her learning resource to deliver it to the target audience?
How well was this peer able to organize the material in order to share the learning resource?
John Martin
I love the structure of this – I’ve been trying to work up a decent framework for developing a badge program, this will really help!