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An explorer attempts to predict the relationship between two points (i.e. regression line). An observer tend to survey from two known points at either end of a fixed baseline (i.e. triangulation). An engineer focus on discerning patterns and regularities in data (i.e. pattern recognition). This involve actively forming our own thoughts through self-exploration and discuss our observations.


During our first topic I’ve spent time to rethink the metaphor of a co-facilitator as a Learning Improvement Engineer. In the reading I found “No longer are we just facilitating students so that they can perform (qualification), but we must also ensure that they are being socialised (socialisation) into a ‘way-of-being’ (subjectification) that includes attributes and skills to take risks, to reason critically, to reflect, to be resourceful, and to be autonomous – qualities of lifelong learners – which will allow them to work and live productively in a world of uncertainties” (Kek & Huijser 2015). Looking at Problem-Based Learning for Transformation and Social Reform “facilitators awaken students’ embedded perspectives as well as the values and ideologies located in texts and common practices within their disciplines” (Savin-Baden 2014). The table over Constellations of Problem-Based Learning describes the Form of Facilitation (p. 203) as:

  • Coordinator of knowledge and skills
  • Orchestrator of learning opportunities
  • Enabler of group reflection
  • Decoder of cultures

Investigation: The facilitator provides one important source of scaffolding, but how might technology extend the human facilitator in larger groups?


I’m going to take a systematic approach based on a human ecology for learning model (adapted from Bronfenbrenner & Morris, 2006)

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