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In our society we use devices for online participation, which also generate a digital footprints. Skilled communication and collaboration is required for creation of learning resources and your networking skills transform the experience of digital consumption. What it means to be digitally literate can be represented in the seven elements model delveloped by Joint Information Systems Committee (Jisc 2014):

Reflection on module 1:

a) Who you are as an individual in the digital age and what characterizes your journey so far?

I was bitten by the MOOC-bug in 2008 during an online course called “Connectivism and Connective Knowledge” (CCK08) (read more). When I found “Open Networked Leaning”  (ONL162) in 2016 i liked the FISh-model of Lars Ullin that is similar to Staffan Selanders Learning Design Sequence. This is related to my work since I’m promoting an epistemie dimensionof active meaning making (i.e. from passive knowledge consumer to the learner as producer and discerning knowledge)

b) What this course might mean for your development?

I want to create a course for in-service teacher training that are built on acive learning. My hardest barrier is motivation and online collaboration similar to Digitala Skollyftet.

c) other reflections on module 1 readings and discussions.

In our group we discussed the role of digital natives and immigrants vs. visitors and residents (White & Le Cornu 2011). I consider myself as a digital native, but maybe I’m resident of a different setting to the younger generation (i.e. millennials)

References to Learning Resources:

Jisc. (2014) ‘Developing digital literacies’, [online] Available at:

White, D. S., & Le Cornu, A. (2011). Visitors and Residents: A new typology for online engagement. First Monday16(9).

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