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In EDUCAUSE Horizon Report 2019 “Higher Education Edition at a Glance” I saw this chart over key trends accelerating Higher Education technology adoption:

They write “Institutions of higher education are rethinking how to meet the academic and social needs of all students seeking credentials or degrees. This shift to student-centered learning requires faculty and academic advisors alike to act as guides and facilitators. Approaches to new degree programs, including the rise in new forms of interdisciplinary studies, indicate that institutions are seeking to provide students with experiences that connect disciplines while rethinking how to capitalize on existing resources” (p7) and “A blockchain-based transcript could include information about courses and degrees, certifications, badges and other microcredentials, co-curricular activities, internships and employment, and other competencies and credentials. Such a record could follow students from one institution to another, serving as verifiable evidence of learning and enabling simpler transfer of credits across institutions” (p29) [link]

Reflection on module 5:

5.1 What are the most important things that you have learnt through your engagement in this course? Why?

-I’m still interested how agency and self-evaluation can be combined with shared responsibility and P2P-review. This is to me a good way for training skills in metacognition and using design thinking to improve the results due to new iterations and empathize with and authentic audience.

5.2 How will your learning influence your practice?

-The “NMC Horizon Report 2017 Higher Education Edition” mention the Domain of One’s Own project that enable faculty, staff, and students
to register their own domain name and freely associate it with a hosted university webspace. This is called next-generation digital learning environments (NGDLE) and my own practice is to use DS106 Assignment Bank.

5.3 What are your thoughts about using technology to enhance learning/teaching in your own context?

-The idea is that the “Mother blog” harvest the feed from the course participants with hash-tags. They then get categorized as assignments or tutorial that become a resource to other participants. The next level is explored by eduFeedr, where you can associate the assignments to a progress in a course.

5.4 What are you going to do as a result of your involvement in ONL? Why?

-I have managed to recreate the community feeling of P2PU in Canvas Network, where the other participants use a rubric to evaluate other members. Since the reward of an Open Badge is transparent, the rest of the community can question the quality of the evaluation.

5.5 What suggestions do you have (activities and/or in general) for development of eLearning in your own teaching or context?

-I like the idea in The state of digital education , where institutions providing the qualification are held responsible for all work done by staff, volunteers and subcontractors, wherever in the world they are. This bridge for a new accreditation system, where the how in learning is more open.

References to Learning Resources:

NMC Horizon Report 2017 Higher Education Edition

The state of digital education (Malta EU 2017). Report from European Commission conference

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