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In our society we use devices for online participation, which also generate a digital footprints. Skilled communication and collaboration is required for creation of learning resources and your networking skills transform the experience of digital consumption. What it means to be digitally literate can be represented in the seven elements model delveloped by Joint Information Systems Committee (Jisc 2014):

Reflection on module 1:

a) Who you are as an individual in the digital age and what characterizes your journey so far?

I was bitten by the MOOC-bug in 2008 during an online course called “Connectivism and Connective Knowledge” (CCK08) (read more). When I found “Open Networked Leaning”  (ONL162) in 2016 i liked the FISh-model of Lars Ullin that is similar to Staffan Selanders Learning Design Sequence. This is related to my work since I’m promoting an epistemie dimensionof active meaning making (i.e. from passive knowledge consumer to the learner as producer and discerning knowledge)

b) What this course might mean for your development?

I want to create a course for in-service teacher training that are built on acive learning. My hardest barrier is motivation and online collaboration similar to Digitala Skollyftet.

c) other reflections on module 1 readings and discussions.

In our group we discussed the role of digital natives and immigrants vs. visitors and residents (White & Le Cornu 2011). I consider myself as a digital native, but maybe I’m resident of a different setting to the younger generation (i.e. millennials)

References to Learning Resources:

Jisc. (2014) ‘Developing digital literacies’, [online] Available at:

White, D. S., & Le Cornu, A. (2011). Visitors and Residents: A new typology for online engagement. First Monday16(9).

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We have now been divided into groups to start the course with an introduction and activate the first module in Canvas LMS.

The introduction is shared as a page:


“During this module we will together explore important literacies to survive and thrive in the digital age, as well as your experiences of digital consumption, communication, collaboration and creation, as learners and educators. Accessing, filtering, critically evaluating information in vast networks, repositories and digital libraries as well as connecting with individuals and groups via social networks and adapting it for learning and teaching is a complex process. It requires specific skills, attitudes and behaviors which become increasingly more important for individuals and society.”

“We will also discuss online participation and your digital footprints. You will be encouraged to reflect on your digital presence and identity as well as your experience of digital consumption, communication, collaboration and creation.”

“As a starting point for your blog you will reflect on and discuss your own digital presence and identity and your experiences, concerns and challenges.”

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Draft of final post

  • Final reflection from ONL181
    • As I’m finalizing my third iteration of the course Online Networked Learning (ONL181) as co-facilitator, I’m left with questions about how online learning environments stimulate motivation to learn. I think we can benefit from a formalized structure and find it interesting  to draw experience from roles in literature circles:
      • Discussion facilitator – developing a list of questions that the group might discuss about the section of the novel to be discussed for that meeting
      • Commentator –  locating a few significant passages of text that are thought-provoking, funny, interesting, disturbing, or powerful
      • Illustrator – drawing, sketching, or painting a picture, portrait or scene relating to the appropriate section of the novel
      • Connector or Reflector – locating several significant passages in the novel and connecting these passages to real life or characters with other books that they have read
      • Summarizer – help their peers see the overall picture as well as  important events and details
      • Vocabulary Enricher – identify words that are unusual, unknown, or that stand out in some way
      • Travel Tracer – recording where the major shifts in action or location take place in the novel for the reading section
      • Investigator – find background information needs to be found on any topic relating
      • Figurative Language Finder – why the author chose to use those particular words or phrases, and whether or not they were effective
  • What are the most important things that you have learnt through your engagement in the ONL course? Why?
    • Learning-by-doing allow for meta-reflection in designing a course for collaboration and community
    • I also believe that academic maturity is nessesary for skills of academic writing and reflection on research methods and results
    • The key to success is intrinsic motivation and self-determination
    • Participants motivation to learn is based on their desire to meet people with similar expertise and interests in order to share ideas and collaborate
  • How will your learning influence your practice?
    • Motivation is conceptualized as an internal state that arouses, directs, and sustains goal-oriented behavior (Bandura, 2006).
    • provide diverse communication platforms
    • design open assignments that present real-word problems
  • What are your thoughts about using technology to enhance learning/teaching in your own context?
    • Technology allow me to become an orchestrator of learning opportunities, where participants motivation to learn is based on their desire to learn
    • Technology is not a good enabler of group reflection where .
    • chaotic learning environment
    • The groups will explain, discuss and assess the shared topic and then use the created content in the community to critically reflect on questions concerning eLearning related to their own teaching practice.
    • social engagement via small face-to-face groups
    • facilitating communication among learners and the manifestation of thoughts, ideas, and knowledge
    • Studies found that small group discussions stimulated students’ interest in the subject matter and therefore raised their motivation to learn (Dolmans and Schmidt, 2006Gomez et al., 2010).
    • Those who worked alone on the final project asserted relatively low means for motivation to learn, while those who worked in groups of four or five asserted the highest means.
    • These results are interesting since it suggests that communication in small online groups has a contributing impact on participants’ motivation.
    • further research should examine relationships between motivation, language of instruction, and social engagement. … Higher Order thinking skills (HOTS) requires language and conceptual understanding
    • An engineer focus on discerning patterns and regularities in data (i.e. pattern recognition). This involve actively forming our own thoughts through self-exploration and discuss our observations.
  • What are you going to do as a result of your involvement in ONL? Why?
    • efewf
    • eqwfewef
      • career motivation (i.e. their belief that learning will benefit their professional development)
      • Their motivation to learn is based on their desire to staying informed about the latest innovations.
      • They are university students and their motivation to learn is based on their desire to broaden and deepen their curriculum.
      • Collaborative Learning in Digital Learning Environments
  • What suggestions do you have (activities and/or in general) for development of eLearning in your own teaching or context?
    • Motivation is perceived as a reason or a goal a person has for behaving in a given manner in a given situation (Ames, 1992)
    • Coordinator of knowledge and skills where participants motivation to learn is based on their desire to solve real scientific or engineering problems that they have encountered in their work place.
    • Orchestrator of learning opportunities where participants motivation to learn is based on their desire to meet people with similar expertise and interests in order to share ideas and collaborate.
    • Enabler of group reflection where motivation to learn is based on their desire to broaden and deepen their curriculum
    • Decoder of cultures where motivation to learn is based on their desire to contribute to the advancement of their society and country  (Savin-Baden 2014)


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We easily fall into the groupwork mode from school and divide tasks between us, but this don’t allow collaborative inquiry and collective responsibilitiy. How could a learning community help participants to become part of a learning community and collaborate with their peers?

In my experience the connections between participants is in a star-network dependent on one central node. The groupwork mode allow members to cluster in hubs-and-spouts, but in an distributed-network. The star-network reduces the probability of a network failure by connecting all of the peripheral nodes to a central node, but this node also allow failure for the network.


To be continued…

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During Topic 2: Open Learning – Sharing and Openness I looked at some chapters in Teaching in a Digital Age: Guidelines for Teaching and Learning by Tony Bates (2014). He emphasizes decision-making in our volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous world.


“Although governments, institutions and learners themselves can do a great deal to ensure success in teaching and learning, in the end the responsibility and to some extent the power to change lies within teachers and instructors themselves. It will be the imagination of teachers inventing new ways of teaching that will eventually result in the kinds of graduates the world will need in the future.” (Bates 2014)


My personal interest has been on the affordances of collaborative learning in online environments and I developed a Collaborative Open Online Learning (COOL) course. The course use microcredentials (i.e. open badges) as a way to recognize skills and achievements. Distributed knowledge (instead of a central node in a star network) are stored in Open Educational Resources (OERs), which is blended and re-mixed to student’s local context. My belief is that someone with expert skills can find patterns between and traverse key concepts and knowledge domains (i.e. salient properties of an entity).  He or she can also demonstrate and validate this knowledge in a Community of Practitioners (Brown and Duguid 2002). Notice the focus on knowing-in-practice where practitioners from different contexts learn from each other as they try to address similar real-life problems.


An analogy I find helpful is literature circles. They were first implemented in 1982 by Karen Smith, providing a way for students to engage in critical thinking and reflection. Research have found that peer collaboration has a positive effect on student learning and performance as well as improved reading comprehension and content-knowledge (Daniels, 2002).

Compared to a book club a literature circle Includes assessment of fellow group members (i.e. peet-to-peer review) and opportunity to keep track of your own progress though self-assessment. Literature circles offers an alternative to teacher-centered discourse, but it is recommended to agree on checklists or other rubrics to provide structure. Collaborative learning in a digital age allow members to write reflective blog posts and Activity Tracker (which was used in previous iterations of the ONL course).


As participants in ONL181 you can probably understand my interest in Open Online Learning. I think we as educators need to focus on assessment and distinction between literacy and fluency!

On the subject of open learning I have used Scalable Learning that is provided for free for individual teachers (here is also experiments with LTI integrations with Canvas LMS)



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An explorer attempts to predict the relationship between two points (i.e. regression line). An observer tend to survey from two known points at either end of a fixed baseline (i.e. triangulation). An engineer focus on discerning patterns and regularities in data (i.e. pattern recognition). This involve actively forming our own thoughts through self-exploration and discuss our observations.


During our first topic I’ve spent time to rethink the metaphor of a co-facilitator as a Learning Improvement Engineer. In the reading I found “No longer are we just facilitating students so that they can perform (qualification), but we must also ensure that they are being socialised (socialisation) into a ‘way-of-being’ (subjectification) that includes attributes and skills to take risks, to reason critically, to reflect, to be resourceful, and to be autonomous – qualities of lifelong learners – which will allow them to work and live productively in a world of uncertainties” (Kek & Huijser 2015). Looking at Problem-Based Learning for Transformation and Social Reform “facilitators awaken students’ embedded perspectives as well as the values and ideologies located in texts and common practices within their disciplines” (Savin-Baden 2014). The table over Constellations of Problem-Based Learning describes the Form of Facilitation (p. 203) as:

  • Coordinator of knowledge and skills
  • Orchestrator of learning opportunities
  • Enabler of group reflection
  • Decoder of cultures

Investigation: The facilitator provides one important source of scaffolding, but how might technology extend the human facilitator in larger groups?


I’m going to take a systematic approach based on a human ecology for learning model (adapted from Bronfenbrenner & Morris, 2006)

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What if digital technologies can support course design and extend opportunities for collaboration, engagement and learning? What if collaborative and open online learning can create an understanding of the value, possibilities and challenges of using digital tools to support teaching and learning?

This year iteration of Open Networked Learning (#ONL181) is about to start! As a previous participant in #ONL172 I’m acting as a co-facilitator that help participants to climb the thresholds of technology and tackle challenges of the course. We are about 150 people in the community with 120 participant in 15 PBL groups from three countries.

The groups will explain, discuss and assess the shared topic and then use the created content in the community to critically reflect on questions concerning eLearning related to their own teaching practice.

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In 2019 eduToolkit will focus on Innovative Teaching and Learning to redesign learning activities. ICT can help learners collaborate in ways that were not possible before and allows young people to share their views with an audience that is outside their own school environment.Students need to design their communication for a particular audience and have the opportunity to revise their work based on feedback before it is submitted or finalised.

The 21st Century Learning Design for Educators builds on the ITL research methodology providing a collaborative, practice-based process to help educators transform how they design enriching learning activities for their students. Orchestration and design is crucial when Teaching with Technology to enhance the teaching and learning experience and enable students to acquire 21st century skills.

Mission statement:

To develop a classroom practice based on design thinking and change the terminology in line with “Define”, “Ideate” and “Prototype” to promote an e-learning ecology that support innovative teaching and learning

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I was recently faced with a situation at work where we noticed that our project stagnated. It was everyone’s task but no one’s responsibility.

What have you accomplished during the course?

I participated in the ONL162 in 2016 as an Open Learner with no PBL-group, which gave me possibility to interact with the course material and reflect on posts from peers. In this iteration of ONL172 the work with peers opened up for hands-on investigation and a shared experience. I was challenged to contribute and take leadership, which also accelerated the learning.

Reflect on your development as a group and the value of the PBL group for your learning?

One key function was for me that we were asked to facilitate during one of our five topics. This changed my participation to an active learner and also created a natural respect to the peer organizing meeting times and structures for how we would share our results

How would you apply what you have learnt in your institutions and life in general?

I have used my participation in ONL172 as metareflection on networked learning. During the first week wanted to explore “Learning in a Networked World”, “Digital Fluency” and “Collaborative Inquiry”. In the Wiktionary metareflection is defined as “the consideration of various different points of view”, which is how I foresee Online Networked Learning. I’m building my own MOOC and writing my master thesis with focus on “Teachers Open Online Learning – for Professional Development”

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During topic 4 we have investigated “Design for online and blended learning” and my focus was on systematic reflection throughout a whole course. I’m in favour of self-reflection and peer review to keep online learners actively engaged. Checklists or trackers can be a form, but I have also seen recorded material or presentations that ask the “viewer” to interact (i.e. Flipped classroom approach). In our reading we looked at constructive alignment (i.e. align teaching and assessment to the outcomes we intend students to learn) and map levels of understanding from the SOLO Taxonomy. The aim is to give the students the skills to integrate aspects and apply them to untaught applications (i.e. extended abstract).

I looked at the tool Scalable-Learning and this is what they write in their manual:

Flipping the classroom is all about getting passive lectures out of the class so that students can engage in active learning activities during class time, which challenges them while they are in the classroom with the teacher to help.


  1. Your in-class material consist of computer-based presentations with you talking and advancing the presentation.
  2. You want to record your computer screen and audio for your online lectures.
  3. You want to include online self-assessment quizzes and in-class active learning.