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To assess the collaboration among peers I have used a rubric for 21st Century Learning Design (21CLD) from Innovative Teaching and Learning. Did they share responsibility fairly, make substantive decisions together, and create interdependent work products?

In the Activity Rubrics there is a five level checklist on collaboration and during our group work we discussed the diffrence between collaboration and cooperation. I then used the model from the reasearch from Rita Kops presentation to illustrate how the outcome in collaboration we have mutually defined goals, but in cooperation we have personal defined goals.

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Our scenario during the second topic in ONL172, mention the use of technology in a MOOC. One example is to divide the material into modules and add micro-credentials. Open Badges was started by Mozilla Foundation and this is their definition:
“Open Badges are visual tokens of achievement, affiliation, authorization, or other trust relationship sharable across the web. Open Badges represent a more detailed picture than a CV or résumé as they can be presented in ever-changing combinations, creating a constantly evolving picture of a person’s lifelong learning”
IMS Global Learning Consortium write:
“Open Badges are information-rich visual representations of verifiable achievements earned by recipients and are a vital component of the digital credentials ecosystem”
(IMS Global, 2017)
This is my screencast that is the result from my investigations:

We shared out reflection as a padlet:

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As we worked with our first topic in Open Networked Learning (#ONL172) we were asked to reflect on our digital presence and identity as well as our experience of digital consumption, communication, collaboration and creation. In my PBL group one subtopic that we had in FOCUS was “What about digital identity – how does it develop?” and from my own INVESTIGATIONSHARE this text and video in our collaborative space (Padlet):

Maybe Different identities can be categorized into Cultural Generations (i.e. Generation X, Millenials etc.). Another approach is that we create our digital identity through primary socialization early in life in the home and in the peer group we acquire the primary discourse that we use to make sense of the world and interact with others. (Gee, 1989)

Q1:1 Who are you as an individual in the digital age, and what characterizes your journey so far?

Answer: I was an early adopter of digital communication and started my first blog on GeoCities and then SUNET at 15 years old. There was no template and html-files was uploaded with ftp-service to a server. In year 2000 I started my teaching career at an upper secondary school with specialization in ICT and Project Based Learning. Where we were pioneers with students’ digital portfolio. Now in 2017 I’m engaged as a Teacher Ambassador to foster the use of technology in education. Some of my projects involve collaborative problem solving with Minecraft for Education (a form of virtual Lego) and virtual fieldtrips with Skype in the Classroom or Hangouts on Air across the world.

Q1:2 Think about your own digital literacy and identity in your personal and professional life, and how they are linked.

Answer: I have not always used the latest technology since schools have a limited budget, but I’ve focused on the affordance of technology. To me literacy allow you to use digital technology to get the work done, but to fully express yourself you need to develop digital fluency. In social media I’m known as the Networked Teacher (Nätbaserad lärare) in my Swedish Network. Sharing in English and international networking is connected to the NGO eduToolkit.

Q1:3 What ONL might mean for your development and what is your experience from the course so far?

Answer: I’ve facilitated my first MOOC to help in-service teachers from Sweden and Norway to integrate new media and technologies into today’s K-12 learning environments. I’m also writing my masters theses called “Teachers Open Online Learning for Professional Development” and this is why this Open Networked Learning course is very relevant for my own development. My experience is that the structure and scenario initiate collaboration. Then each participant also take responsibility to fill out the Activity Tracker (in a google form that we are allowed to edit during the course). This is part of the instruction: Below you will find sub-fields for each of the 5 topics. Please fill in (briefly) where and how you have been active. It could be for instance your activity in your PBL-group (if you took the lead for a specific topic, if you participated to make the presentation, etc), links to collaborative group work, links to written blog posts and written feedback, discussions in the main forum, participation in webinars etc. Please add links where appropriate. I also find it easier to write a reflective blogpost, since I’m describing work that has already been done during the investigation of the topic.

Q1:4 What readings and discussions have you consulted during this topic?

Answer: I got the idea that digital identity can be categorized into Cultural Generations, but ended up looking on primary socialization. According to Paul Gee, discourses are ways of being in the world that are forms of life which integrate words, acts, values, beliefs, attitudes and social identities as well as gestures, glances, body positions, and clothes. Through primary socialization early in life in the home and in the peer group we acquire the primary discourse that we use to make sense of the world and interact with others [1]. I then thought about how we create our own narrative based on our ontological beliefs and how socializing with people with similar beliefs can create a “Filter Bubble”. At Wikipedia we can read: A filter bubble is a state of intellectual isolation that can result from personalized searches when a website algorithm selectively guesses what information a user would like to see based on information about the user, such as location, past click-behavior and search history. As a result, users become separated from information that disagrees with their viewpoints, effectively isolating them in their own cultural or ideological bubbles.

Going back to Paul Gee’s idea of primary discourse, he also writes that “Filtering” is a process whereby aspects of the language, attitudes, values, and other elements of certain secondary discourses (e.g. dominant ones represented in the world of school and translocal government and business institutions) are filtered into primary discourse (and, thus, the process whereby a literacy can influence home-based practices) [1]. This got me thinking about how our online spaces define our identity, with Blogs,Twitter conversations and hashtags as well as LinkedIn account. I revisited my account on Klout and found it to be quite accurate.

In the article A Digital Identity: Creating Uniqueness in a New Contextual Domain I red: Individuals have often used various methods to express who they are and what they represent. While a digital representation has both positive and negative consequences for a real-life setting, the techniques and features of what has become a digital literacy have allowed individuals to better define the world they live in, as well as how they want to be represented in that world [2]. I’m now left with the question if I “own” and “control” my digital presence and identity…


[1] Gee, J.P. (1989). Literacy, discourse and linguistics: Introduction. Retrieved from

[2] A Digital Identity: Creating Uniqueness in a New Contextual Domain. Available from: [accessed Oct 11 2017].

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During the first week of Open Networked Learning ONL172 we will share expectations, background knowledge and begin to build relationships among participants. The approach is “learning-by-doing” in order to develop skills dealing with the use of digital tools for teaching and learning. The course build on international and cross-institutional collaboration and also invites “open learners” with no academic affiliation.

The FISh-model is used for networking and sharing of material and practices:

Step 1: Focus

  • What do I/we see?
  • How do I/we understand what we see?
  • What do I/we need to find out more about?
  • Specify learning issues/intended learning outcomes!

Step 2: Investigate

  • How and where am I/are we going to find answers?
  • What will I do/who will do what and by when?
  • What main findings and solutions do I/we propose?

Step 3: Share

  • How am I/are we going to present my/our findings?
  • What do I/we want to share with the community?
  • How can I/we provide feedback to others?
  • What reflections do I have about my learning (and working with others)?

This is my presentation for the first week:


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EduToolkit is a grassroots organization for ‘Teachers Open Online Learning’ (TOOL) for professional development. We investigate the concept of ‘The Networked Teacher’ and find out more about ‘Networked Literacy & Fluency’ in education. During 2017 we are developing the concept of digital badges for professional development with the focus on ‘Technology Enriched Instruction’, since key trends accelerating technology adoption rely on real life examples of its current use.

In-no-vate (verb): to make changes in something established, especially by introducing new methods, ideas, or products

STEAM Education:
  • Identify and address real-world problems
  • Work in teams to solve these problems
  • Explore multiple possible solutions
  • Test and evaluate solutions on their own


Mission statement for 2017:

To develop creative learning with “Collaborative and Immersive Solutions” as well as “Visual Learning Technology”.


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As we introduce ‘hands on learning’ and Design thinking in education there is often a need to documnt what occur BEFORE, DURING and AFTER producing an representation. This can be refered to as digital storytelling and in this post I will explore three tools for editing photos and cretationg a collage.

#1: PIXLR Express

Chose collage to apply a quick fix or add a personal touch with creative effects, overlays, and borders. I also like that you can switch to the more advanced Editor.


#2: Canva Photo Collages

Turn your photos from a family holiday or a birthday celebration into something special by creating an incredible photo collage! Canva’s collage maker includes over 100 layouts, allowing you to create stunning graphics in just minutes


#3: Adobe Spark

You create a page with a photo grid. Adobe Spark enables you to tell stories and share ideas quickly and beautifully. You can create individual Pages, Posts, and Videos, or you can use the formats together (including a Post image in a Video, or a Video in a Page, you get the idea).


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During a workshop on flipped learning I got to try Scalable-Learning and started to create training material for Google Mobile Bootcamp: Stockholm.

The couse is called:

Classroom Without Borders (#CWB116)


Objective: This course is designed to develop competence for Google Certified Educator Level 2, Unit 7 “Teach Beyond the Four Walls of Your Classroom” and UNIT 9: “Give Students a Voice”. You will learn to motivate and engage students in creative ways and find even more inventive ways to do this using Google tools to expose your students to faraway places, people, and things without actually leaving your school.

ScalableLearning helps teachers combine the best of online student preparation and in-class teaching for active learning and flipped classroom teaching.

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We have started topic 1 “Connecting – online participation and digital literacies”, where we are learning about  online learning spaces.

This is the second ONL course offered by Karolinska Institute, Lund University, Linnaeus University, the Royal Institute of Technology (all Sweden) and Independent Institute of Education (South Africa).

  • How to create collaborative and flexible learning environments online
  • Test problem-based learning in open online platforms
  • Develop your professional learning network
  • Test a range of digital tools and methods in a pedagogical context
  • Learn about the latest research and new trends in the field

The process of integrating an international, intercultural, or global dimension into the purpose, functions or delivery of post-secondary education (Knight i Beelen & Jones, 2015)


I’m participating as an Open Learner in this learning ecology 🙂

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In 2016 eduToolkit will focus on Technology Enriched Instruction, since key trends accelerating technology adoption rely on real life examples of its current use. The NMC Horizon Project predict school will use Hybrid Learning Designs with both physical and virtual learning environments. There is an increasing interest to bring real life experiences into the classroom and this type of authentic learning has previously been limited to museums and science centres. Blended learning encourage students to follow their own learning pathways and interests.

Equipping teachers with the capacity to create a learning environment that will enable 21st century skills for students (Angela Shaerer)

Mission statement for 2016:

There is now new modules to apply simulations and gamified learning environments to your classroom. A digital badge is an online representation of a skill you’ve earned.badgeMix01

Skill badge: OfficeMix – A free add-in for PowerPoint with everything you need to easily create and share interactive online lessons



badgeLifeLiQe01Skill badge: LifeLiQe – LifeLiQe is presenting a visual learning tool with about 1000 interactive 3D models in breathtaking quality. The demonstrations and augmented reality can be integrated with OfficeMix



badgeMineCraft01Skill badge: MinecraftEdu – MinecraftEdu provides products and services that make it easy for educators to use Minecraft in the classroom. It contains many additions to the original game that make it more useful and appropriate in a school setting. We also offer a cloud-based solution for hosting Minecraft classroom servers so students and teachers can connect and play together.


badgeS4Y01Skill badge: School4You – School4You is an open and unrestricted gamified platform for collaboration in any given subject or project, with unlimited participants and administrators. This flexible platform is specially made for educational purposes. We use widgets and tools that the students already are used to. School4you will motivate the students’ inner drive and create a flipped classroom environment to support the user’s unique way of learning and teaching.